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What Are The Best Essential Oils For Nail Fungus?


Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a fungal disease of the nails, which is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the feet, as well as yellowing, thickening, and crumbling of the nail itself. The nails are affected by fungus due to abnormal dry skin, continuous exposure to moisture, wearing synthetic socks, weakening of the immune system, excessive sweating of the feet, poor hygiene of the feet, or poor circulation, such as diabetes mellitus. We have prepared the list with the best essential oils for nail fungus. Keep on reading to know more.

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Modern medicine offers the treatment of foot and nail fungus in several ways: with locally applied drugs (ointments, gels), oral medications and even surgery. The use of medicinal products entails many dangers in the form of side effects, such as respiratory problems, facial swelling, hives, rashes, blisters, headaches, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, liver damage, weight gain, fatigue, heart problems, fever, diarrhea, etc.

How do you know it’s a toenail fungus?

You can suspect onychomycosis from one or more of these symptoms:

  • Change in nail color. It starts with a small spot, then the nail turns lighter or yellow. It can become darker or even greener later on.
  • A change in shape. The nail grows in the wrong way, waves appear on the nail.
  • Unpleasant feeling, pain, especially if you press on a nail.
  • Fragility. The nail starts to split, becomes brittle. It’s noticeable that the nail structure has changed.

Best essential oils for nail fungus

In order to get rid of foot and nail fungus and not to harm your health, you can use essential oils, which have proven to be an excellent antimicrobial agent.

Tea tree oil For Nail Fungus
Tea tree essential oil has strong antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties. In parallel, tea tree oil has strong wound-healing and anti-inflammatory qualities. This oil is one of the best means to fight most viral, bacterial and fungal infections, including toe fungus. One of the causes of the fungus on your nails is a weakened immune system, and tea tree oil is an immunomodulatory agent that helps even in neglected cases.

How exactly should you use tea tree essential oil for toenail fungus?

Method 1. Cover a cotton swab with tea tree oil and apply it to the nail(s) so that it covers all the affected areas damaged by a fungus. Hold the compress for 10 minutes.

Method 2. Soften sick toenails by using a hot water foot bath, after that cut the affected nail(s) as short as possible. Then apply two drops of tea tree oil and gently rub it into the nail.

Such procedures should be performed daily until a healthy nail grows back. On average, the treatment takes two months.

If you have a severe case of toenail fungus, you need to treat not only the affected nails, but also all the skin around nails.

Ready-made Essential Oil Blend for Nail Fungus

Consider this antifungal blend made of a natural essential oil solution lavender, myrtle and lemongrass essential oils, together with the very powerful component – Calendula plant extract.

Nail Fungus Essential Oil Blend


1) Helped to avoid expensive laser treatment at the podiatrist.

2) Soaking of feet, filing affected nails and then applying the nail blend helped to remove an old nail fungus that was persistent for decades. “Chunks of the dead nail are falling off”.

3) “Helped with nail fungus when nothing else seemed to work!”

4) Improved appearance of nails that were already black because of toenail fungus.

Read more customer reviews


Oregano oil For Nail Fungus

If someone in the family has a fungus, the probability of infection of other relatives is 35-75%. Fungus spores remain on towels, carpets, shoes, and on all objects with which the patient has come into contact. Therefore you should start toenail fungus treatment as soon as you noticed it.

Oregano grass is usually used in cooking, and the essential oil of this plant will help get rid of foot and nail fungus. Oregano oil is one of the best natural antibacterial and antifungal agents. The component of this oil carvacrol is the strongest bactericidal remedy that removes fungi and bacteria.

How to use oregano essential oil for toenail fungus?

  • Mix 3 drops of oregano essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. Oregano oil is so powerful it can even irritate the skin, therefore you should always dilute it with olive oil or jojoba oil.
  • Apply the product to the affected nail and try not to come into contact with shoes, socks, and carpets, as the oil can stain everything. Leave the mixture on the nails at least for 10 minutes.
  • Treat your nails with oregano oil for 2-3 weeks. This is a long time, and procedure needs to be regular, but curing toenail fungus never happens overnight.

If there is no improvement, see a doctor for a more effective treatment.

FUNGINIX Toenail Fungus Soak


Funginix Foot Soak is an easy and effective way to soothe skin on toes ravaged by fungus, athlete’s foot, or other infections caused by dermatophytes or yeast.

Main Benefits

  • Fast Relief – Starts working in 2 weeks

Relieve pain from a wide range of different skin conditions caused by fungi including athlete’s foot, nail fungus, jock itch (tinea cruris).

  • All Natural

Funginix Foot Soak is formulated with natural ingredients including Eucalyptus Oil, Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Oil

Consumer Reviews

  1. Nails started to change within 2 weeks! It was hard to believe after years of fighting this my stubborn toenail fungus!
  2. Never had success with any other products before, be it an ointment or other foot soaks. But this stuff works.
  3. Nail fungus is nearly gone after 4 month.

Try Funginix for 2 weeks to see the first results.

lavender essential oil For Nail Fungus
Lavender essential oil is another powerful antifungal agent. Lavender essential oil has a strong antifungal, antiseptic, regenerating and analgesic effect. And in combination with tea tree oil, it gives more effective results in the treatment of fungus nails and feet.
Using pure lavender oil can help eliminate the fungus on your feet fairly quickly. In addition, lavender oil will protect healthy nails from infection.

Essential Oils For Nail Fungus
Clove essential oil is known for its antifungal, analgesic and antiseptic properties. These therapeutic properties are due to the presence of eugenol in its composition, which has excellent antifungal properties. Clove oil is also excellent for treating fungus because it contains capsaicin, which relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

Essential Oils For Nail Fungus
Cinnamon essential oil is the strongest antifungal oil, just like clove oil. Clinical studies have confirmed its effectiveness in treating yeast fungi. Cinnamon oil for bending treatment can be used externally and internally as a food seasoning. Cinnamon powder can be added to dishes and tea.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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