5 Effective Home Remedies to Cure Dandruff Naturally

Dandruff is a common scalp condition characterized by flaking of the skin on the scalp. Despite being common, it can be embarrassing and annoying for people dealing with this issue. The exact cause of dandruff is unknown, but various factors can contribute to its appearance. These include irritations due to certain hair products, dry skin,…

Benefits of Biotin for Hair Growth – Best Supplements and Dosage

Benefits of Biotin for Hair Growth – Best Supplements and Dosage

What are the main benefits of biotin for hair growth? First of all, biotin stimulates and nourishes hair follicles and scalp. It is not uncommon to see biotin as one of the components of hair masks, shampoos and other hair products. The big question is,however, do biotin supplements really benefit the hair and help with…