
7 Frankincense Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Any Occasion


Frankincense essential oil diffuser blends work great for inflammatory processes in the lungs or in case if you suffer from insomnia or anxiety.

Each essential oil has its own advantages and scope of application, but some of them are much more versatile and helpful, then others. And the number one in the list of such super-useful essential oils is Frankincense oil. This is explained not only by its versatility but also by its strong, expressive effect: where other essential oils help only a little, Frankincense gives a truly tangible result. For example, frankincense oil is so powerful against wrinkles, that is sometimes called “natural botox”.

Frankincense essential oil is derived from the resin of incense wood – and has been in use since ancient times, when the resin was used in a variety of ways, from religious rituals to medicinal procedures. The beneficial properties of frankincense essential oil were so obvious that throughout human history, this substance has always had a worthy place.

Frankincense oil diffuser blends

The composition of frankincense essential oil includes components that determine its special properties, such as terpenes, dipentenes, camfenes, incense, polyphenols, sesquiterpenes, pinenes, etc.

This oil has an aroma that you would not confuse with any other – very thick, saturated, woody-spicy, balsamic, “warm” and sweet, at the same time soft and exciting, juicy. Thanks to its expressive fragrance, frankincense essential oil is widely used in perfumery: it is believed that in addition to the scent, its presence in the composition gives the final fragrance completeness and harmony.

Frankincense oil is most beneficial for:

frankincense oil for skinRespiratory system. Inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi, runny nose, chronic and acute cough, shortness of breath, asthma, and any disorders associated with impaired respiratory function – all such diseases can be prevented and improved with the use of frankincense essential oil. It is best to use frankincense for cold and hot inhalations, for the preparation of which only 1 drop of incense essential oil is enough. One inhalation treatment session should last 5-7 minutes.

Also, inhalations with frankincense essential oil are very good for the prevention of any respiratory disorders, for example, for people prone to frequent colds, pneumonia and bronchial infections, as well as asthma patients.

Mental system. Frankincense, which belongs to the element of fire, is considered a fragrance that renews vital energy and removes negative effects.

It is one of the main adaptation oils, the impact of which concerns the psychological rather than the physical sphere. It helps to accept life changes, get rid of excessive experiences, focus on the past.

Frankincense oil helps to overcome nervous exhaustion, tension, and depression.

Frankincense helps cope with sleep disturbances, in particular night anxiety and insomnia.

How to use Frankincense essential oil in oil diffusor

Frankincense oil is used in higher dosages (compared to standard ones).

All the proportion will be given for a room size of 15-20 m, if the room is smaller, reduce the volume of each oil by one drop.

Pregnant women should not worry, this oil is not causing damaging effects.

But it should be used with caution by people with psoriasis, skin diseases, cancer, lupus, sclerosis and Parkinson’s (only under medical supervision).

Below you will find 7 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends with Frankincense oil for any occasion:


* cinnamon – 3 drops;

* lemon balm – 4 drops;

* chamomile – 3 drops;

* frankincense – 4 drops.


* frankincense – 4 drops;

* lemongrass – 3 drops;

* orange – 3 drops;

* peppermint – 2 drops.


* frankincense – 4 drops;

* lemon – 3 drops;

* bergamot – 3 drops;

* peppermint – 2 drops.


* frankincense – 2 drops;

* black pepper oil – 2 drops;

* lime – 2 drops.


* frankincense – 4 drops;

* lime – 3 drops;

* eucalyptus – 2 drops.


* frankincense – 3 drops;

* lemon – 3 drops;

* tea tree oil – 1 drop.


* frankincense – 3 drops;

* peppermint – 5 drops;

* eucalyptus – 5 drops.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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