10 Superfood Powders You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner
Superfood powders are a great way to consume vitamins, minerals and trace minerals in a condensed form.
Superfood was the first to be talked about in vegan circles – apparently, people concerned about their health, began to look for a “magic pill” that would replace nutrients contained in animal products. It was then that David Wolf, Master of Dietology and ardent promoter of the healthy food movement, discovered products such as cocoa beans, spirulina algae, goji berries, and açai.
Superfunds are products in which the concentration of nutrients exceeds all previously known levels. Superfoods are roots, seeds, leaves, algae, berries and other parts of plants, which are used both in a form of fruits and seeds, as well as in a form of powders, juices, pills, and extracts.
They usually grow in hard-to-reach places on the planet like the Amazon and Tibet, but you don’t have to follow them so far: the most common products in this category are easy to order on the Internet or buy in health food shops.
In terms of chemical composition, superfoods do not look like the usual food: an off-scale concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals, essential acids, antioxidants and other nutrients with a minimum of calories is very impressive.
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How to consume superfood powders properly
Most of the superfoods have a strong taste, so it will take some experimentation to see which ones you like best. Even if you adore blueberries, you might not like the superfood from them. Therefore, your predilections for some products can not become a navigator in choosing superfood.
On the other hand, if you have already bought some superfood, which did like, you can just reduce the dose which you eat at a time.
When buying superfood powders, pay attention to the list of ingredients: avoid preservatives and sugar, and give preference to those superfoods that are made with freezing or gradual extraction method. And, of course, the shelf life is also important. The less time has passed since the product was made, the better.
Here are some ways you can consume your superfood powder:
- Add superfood powder to the smoothies. Start, for example, with 1/2 teaspoon per liter of smoothie. If you like the taste, gradually increase the amount of superfood. There are no definite recommendations because everyone has a different taste.
- Mix superfood powder with porridge or muesli, again, starting with a small amount of powder.
- Add them to the salads. By the way, you don’t have to add only green powders. Berries, such as goji or blueberries, will complement almost any green salad.
- Add superfood powders to water to make your own detox drink.
- Try adding them to coconut milk with Chia berries and seeds.
Can I mix superfood powders?
There are lots of superfood powder mixtures pre-made by the producers. For example, you can meet a mixture named “Green powder” – normally this mixture includes various herbs like spinach, zucchini, alfalfa, lime, etc.
“Red powder” mixture usually includes different berries and their extracts, like cranberry, strawberry, pomegranate, apples, cherries, goji, carrots, etc. “Red powders” improve digestion, support the immune system, increase the overall energy level, help the cardiovascular system and brain function.
Read on for more about 15 superfood powders we love:
1. Blueberry superfood powder
A real antioxidant bomb. It prevents heart diseases, hemorrhoids, cataracts, and also stabilizes blood sugar and improves vision. Extremely rich in vitamins A, C, E and K. Included in the top 20 anti-aging products and in addition improves digestion.
Harvested wild in Newfoundland, Canada, this wild blueberry superfood powder contains antioxidants that can help boost the immune system and is considered to be the most powerful and antioxidant-rich food on our planet for health.
The blueberry powder is perfect for adding to smoothies or juice. It is also perfect when you travel and yet want to keep wild blueberries in your daily regimen.
2. Maca root
Lepidium meyenii, known as maca or Peruvian ginseng, is a two-year-old plant from the cruciferous family growing in the Andes. It is harvested at a height of at least 4000 meters.
When you buy this high altitude superfood, pay attention to the packaging. The label should state “Gelatinized / vegan” maca root – because this superfood is absorbed the best in gelatinized form.
Useful properties: Rich in vitamins B, C, and E, contains a lot of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids. It has a positive effect on the hormonal system and helps increase the libido level. Improves female health and mood, energizes and promotes regeneration of skin cells.
How to use: add to smoothies, warm drinks, energy bars, cookies. Start with 1 tablespoon per day and increase the dose gradually every three days, bringing it to 3-6 tablespoons per day.
3. Cocoa Powder
Cocoa powder is obtained by cold-pressing raw cocoa beans. As a result of this process, live enzymes are preserved and the cocoa butter is separated.
Useful properties: It is rich in antioxidants and neutralizes free radicals. Cocoa is also a good source of iron, potassium and vitamin B. It improves digestion, appetite, has a calming and relaxing effect. It is a great substitute for sweets.
Application: 1-3 tablespoons a day. Prepare hot cocoa drink (put 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to a cup and pour hot water), add to smoothies, porridge, baked goods.
4. Goji Berries
Bright red berries, similar to hard raisins, are primarily known for their rejuvenating and toning properties. The tablespoon of these berries contains one gram of protein, 36% of the daily vitamin A norm and only 18 calories.
Goji superfood powder is often produced from cheaper berries such as barberry and rosehip. If you are not sure about the manufacturer, it is better to choose whole goji berries rather than powder. Goji berries should be dry and dull in color. The bright red color most likely indicates that the berries have been dyed.
Goji berries contain record amounts of vitamin C (hundreds of times more than citrus fruits), as well as essential polysaccharides and amino acids. Polysaccharides normalize blood glucose levels, which helps reduce cholesterol levels and normalize sugar levels in the initial stage of diabetes.
Consumption of goji fruit increases the number of lymphocytes, which increases the body’s protective properties. These are the main benefits of Goji berries for the body:
- help with constipation
- support intestinal microflora
- cleanse the liver
- remove excess fluid from the body
- improve metabolism
- solve health problems in women, relieving pain during menstruation and PMS symptoms
5. Chia Seeds
The pioneers of the miraculous properties of these little sesame seeds were the Aztecs and Mayans, who made the chia their main culture. For many years, these seeds were the basic diet for the Aztec army to survive.
The essential fatty acids found in chia are no longer found in such concentrations anywhere in nature, and the amount of antioxidants is much higher than in blueberries and other known berries. In addition, chia is rich in iron, vitamins, minerals, zinc, and potassium.
Because these seeds can swell and increase in volume by contact with liquid (they absorb 10 times more water than their own weight), they are often used in puddings and as egg substitutes for vegan desserts.
How to use: Chia seeds have almost no flavor, so you can add them to almost all dishes. You can soak the seeds for 10 minutes, or you can put them in the fridge for the night to have a ready-made addition to yogurt, porridge or smoothies in the morning. Apart from adding them to water, chia can be added to any liquid: kefir, milk, coconut or almond milk, tea, and even tomato juice.
Optimum seed to the liquid ratio: 1:4. But chia seed gel can be made more liquid or thicker, depending on how you like it better. Soaked gel seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks.
You can also roast a spoonful of seeds in a frying pan without butter or oil, shaking the frying pan periodically. And add them to soups, salads and side dishes.
Here are some of the most delicious Chia Seeds Superfood recipes we like:

6. Spirulina powder
Spirulina blue-green microalgae became world-famous in the late 90’s, when many people started switching to a plant diet and the question of a reliable source of whole protein was raised.
At that time, studies found vitamin B12 in spirulina (deficiency of which is commonly believed to affect all vegans) and high protein content, came in handy: pills and capsules with blue-green algae began to be sold like hotcakes. Now spirulina is the best-selling superfood.
Here are some of the most delicious Spirulina Powder Superfood recipes we like:

If this is not enough, here are 10 more spirulina recipes, that are actually tasty!
7. Turmeric
Turmeric received lots of health hype lately, mostly due to its main bioactive compound called curcumin. Turmeric is also famous for its antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties.
Turmeric is great for weight loss, as it is proven that this superfood powder turns white fat into brown fat, which is burned by the body to release energy, not stored as fat.
Turmeric provides dishes and drinks with a fresh, lively, slightly earthy flavor, slightly reminiscent of mustard and ground white pepper.
How to use: You can use turmeric shots for immunity – as a preventive agent, and in the early stages of the disease. In Ayurveda, it is prescribed for complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and added to milk – for any dermatological inflammation. Also in India turmeric is widely used as a powerful blood purifier.
8. Hemp Seeds or Hemp Powder
Hemp seeds are a source of essential fatty acids, including Omega-3.6. They contain the most digestible source of protein compared to meat, eggs, cheese, milk and other protein products. Rich in fiber and minerals, which include magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and vitamin E.
Hemp seeds are a complete source of protein and contain nine essential amino acids that humans need. This means that eating hemp can completely replace proteins of animal origin.
Hemp seed powder lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Helps fight dietary dependencies like sugar and flour. Rich in monounsaturated (hint – good!) fats, protein, and essential amino acids. Popular among vegans as a food supplement.
How to use: add 4 tablespoons a day in juices, smoothies, porridge, salads.
Here are some of the most delicious Hemp Powder Superfood recipes we like:

9. Kale Powder
Until the end of the Middle Ages, kale was one of the most common crops in Europe. This type of cabbage with curly leaves existed in Ancient Greece in the IV century BC and was used for medicinal purposes.
Benefits: The kale leaves are rich in nutrients. It is a source of easily digestible calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B6, K, iron, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Kale has anti-inflammatory properties and fights anemia, stomach ulcers, and colon cancer. Reduces cholesterol levels and normalizes female hormonal background.
10. Beet Powder
Beet powder is rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, along with other nutrients.
The beet has a diuretic, laxative effect, therefore it is one of the best superfoods for detox and cleansing.
How to use: Those who like sweet and sour taste can eat dry powder every morning on an empty stomach. Just 1 teaspoon a day is enough to get the maximum dose of vitamins and nutrients.
Of course, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of beet powder to your favorite smoothie or smoothie bowl.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. This post may contain affiliate links.