arsenic mercury lead powder

The most famous poisonings in history – what caused them?

The death of famous personalities, especially if there is even the slightest reason to doubt its natural cause, is always suspicious. The most common weapon of conspirators has been poison, as in most cases it allows the poisoner to remain in the shadows. The scariest thing is that the substances that caused these famous deaths…


What Are The Best Essential Oils For Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a fungal disease of the nails, which is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the feet, as well as yellowing, thickening, and crumbling of the nail itself. The nails are affected by fungus due to abnormal dry skin, continuous exposure to moisture, wearing synthetic socks, weakening of the immune…

10 Superfood Powders You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner

10 Superfood Powders You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner

Superfood powders are a great way to consume vitamins, minerals and trace minerals in a condensed form. Superfood was the first to be talked about in vegan circles – apparently, people concerned about their health, began to look for a “magic pill” that would replace nutrients contained in animal products. It was then that David…

detox drinks for cleansing and weight loss

12 insanely powerful detox drinks for cleansing and weight loss

Detox drinks are a great way to cleanse the body of the toxins. Check out our 12 easy but powerful homemade detox drinks for cleansing and weight loss. Detox drinks, detox-music, and detox-juice culture are booming now. Following the trend, many brands, including those far from organic, started to produce detox drinks and detox snacks….

detox food list

The Ultimate List of 15 Detox Foods (with recipes)

Modern lifestyle sometimes turns into a real challenge for our body: most of us suffer from constant stress, bad ecology, and poor nutrition. To support health in these conditions, you need to regularly get rid of toxins – the by-products of this lifestyle. Even one detox day will help to cleanse everything superfluous and adjust…

pumpkin seed oil health benefits for hair loss

Pumpkin Seed Oil Capsules – Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More

Pumpkin seed oil capsules are more and more popular these days. Some consider this natural remedy as being in the same league with coconut oil and olive oil. Beauty experts all over the world are going gaga over pumpkin seed oil and it’s not hard to imagine why. This orange-reddish oil has garnered an eager…

Turmeric Shots: 3 No-Juicer, Immune-Boosting Recipes

Turmeric Shots: 3 No-Juicer, Immune-Boosting Recipes

Turmeric shot recipes are popular these days. I can see, why! Turmeric shots are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and have extremely powerful anti-inflammatory properties. They give your body an extra energy kick and can even prevent aging. And these shots can be made at home, and preparation takes only 15 minutes of your time! The…

Everything You Need to Know About Antibacterial Essential Oils

Everything You Need to Know About Antibacterial Essential Oils

Usually, slight discomfort and inflammation is nothing serious to worry about – a bit of an itch here, a little stiffness there, and it’s gone. But sometimes, it’s a colony of multi-drug resistant bacteria building up in your stomach, skin, respiratory tract, or worse: urinary tract – cue torturous nights and endless can’t-stop-won’t-stop itching. Here…

Essential Oils during Pregnancy: Use Them Safely

Essential Oils during Pregnancy: Use Them Safely

For centuries, people have turned to aromatherapy as a natural treatment for various illnesses. While essential oils may look like your best option to relieve pregnancy pains, they aren’t always recommended. Why? During pregnancy, the ingestion or topical application of essential oils can affect fetuses’ health. This eventually brings me to the essential point: slathering…

Sea Buckthorn Oil: the next Superberry full of Omega-7

Sea Buckthorn Oil: the next Superberry full of Omega-7

Sea buckthorn oil is particularly rich in Omega-7 fatty acid, the importance of which for human health was discovered only in 2008. Among other few sources (concentration of Omega-7 in which is not as high though) of this fatty acid are the following: Australian macadamia nut, mink fat, whale fat, and other similar exotics. Only…

Best Anti Cellulite Massage Oils To Use At Home

Best Anti Cellulite Massage Oils To Use At Home

It’s been already 3 weeks into the new 2019 year! Crazy, isn’t it? Before we know it spring will be around the corner. So now is the best time to start working on that booty – gym-wise, food-wise and of course we should not forget about our skin. But no need to panic, you have plenty of time to get ready for summer, don’t you worry, we have everything set for you. Today we will talk about the best anti cellulite massage oils to use at home.

10 tea tree oil substitutes for acne, dandruff and nail fungus

10 tea tree oil substitutes for acne, dandruff and nail fungus

There are 10 main tea tree oil substitutes, that work great dor different health problems. Substitutes of tea tree oil for acne are: Lavender essential oil Manuka oil Rosemary essential oil Turmeric essential oil Grapefruit essential oil Chamomile essential oil Substitutes of tea tree oil for dandruff are: Frankincense oil Peppermint essential oil Cedarwood essential…